The best wellness centre is the nature itself


Here is our oasis of serenity: a large garden with comfortable sun loungers to regenerate the body and mind. Our hotel in Molveno with heated pool is perfect for those who want to escape from the stresses of everyday life.
This quiet hotel in Molveno with pool is situated a few meters from the beach, and framed by meadows and gardens, at the entrance of the Adamello Brenta Nature Park.

Indulge yourself with a special evening or lunch outdoors, reserve our romantic Gazebo in the heart of the hotel garden and enjoy the magical atmosphere surrounded by nature, enjoying the dishes prepared by our chef.
In our hotel in Molveno with pool you will find many corners with comfortable sofas and loungers where you can spend pleasant moments with friends or simply reading a good book in peace.

Outdoor-Wellbeing – regenerate body and mind

Per noi il benessere è innanzitutto il contatto con la natura, per rigenerare il corpo e la mente con tutti e 5 i sensi.

Vista: il verde e l’azzurro, colori predominanti, aiutano al riequilibrio delle funzioni del corpo e riducono la pressione arteriosa, il ritmo del cuore e la respirazione, contribuendo ad alleviare l’agitazione e l’ansia

Udito: il suono dell’acqua che scorre o delle onde del lago è profondamente rilassante; fermatevi ad ascoltare i suoni del bosco e prendete una pausa…

Olfatto: l’aria di Molveno profuma di fresco e contribuisce all’ossigenazione dei tessuti

Tatto: camminare a piedi nudi sull’erba o abbracciare un albero ci riportano a respirare, alleviare lo stress e sentirci lentamente meglio, aiutandoci a pensare in modo più lucido

Gusto: avete mai assaggiato un mirtillo o una fragolina selvatica, colti direttamente dalla pianta? Provare per credere…

Let’s talk about us…

We had a fantastic welcome when we arrived. All of the staff were so friendly and remembered our names whenever we moved around the hotel. The housekeeping team kept our room meticulous. The food served was of a high standard and plentiful. It was a brilliant holiday.

Helen, Google Business

My husband and I spent a week at this hotel, our first trip to Italy, and every aspect of our time there was superb. The hotel furnishings, the staff, the meals, absolutely everything was beyond our expectations. We would love to return and confirm that this family hotel is exceptional and Molveno is a true delight in the Dolomites!

Rebecca, Google Business

A great experience at a first rate hotel. Our stay could not have been better

Philip, Google Business

Wonderful hotel in a stunning location. Exquisite food and friendly staff. One of the best hotels I have ever stayed in

John, Google Business

Our one week stay at the All Dolomiti Boutique Lake Hotel ranks as one of our best holidays ever. My wife and I couldn’t have asked for more. Besides the meals and facilities being excellent, every member of the staff were superb in every way. They made us feel welcome and brought smiles to our faces whenever we talked to them.

Melvin, Google Business

Keep in touch!

Send us a request

AlleDolomiti Boutique Lake Hotel ****
Via Lungo Lago, 18, 38018 Molveno (TN)
Dolomiti di Brenta – Trentino

+39 0461.586057
+39 338.7268087

Taxi Services:
Elle Bi noleggi di L. Bertò +39 328 913 9333
Viaggi Giulia +39 348 225 2140

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